If you`re always wondering which Amendment promises no cruel and unusual punishment (it`s the 8th) or which promises freedom of speech (1st) or even which.
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The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Amendments to the Constitution, all in a handy pocket-sized booklet. Our Pocket Constitution is available for purchase in multiples of 30 copies. Single copies are FREE. Includes& ...
The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Amendments to the Constitution, all in a handy pocket-sized booklet. Our Pocket Constitution is available for purchase in multiples of 30 copies. Single copies are FREE.
The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Amendments to the Constitution, all in a handy pocket-sized booklet. Our Pocket Constitution is available for purchase in multiples of 25 copies with Free Shipping.
If you`re always wondering which Amendment promises no cruel and unusual punishment (it`s the 8th) or which promises freedom of speech (1st) or even which.
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